
Acceptance#Daily Prompt#Season2#Attempt 10

Different rivers
Taking different routes
During course of their life
In the end
Merge in the same ocean
As their final destination
Source of serenity, depth
Sometimes calm sometimes wild and very mysterious!
No one can ask or claim
River’s identity after it becomes one
With infinite bed of water!

Different souls
Playing different roles
In the end
As their final home
Merge in same ONE
Becoming part of him
No religion, no division
Can come to claim
The identity of soul
Belonging to any specific religion
After it becomes Whole!
Merging in its source!

That one unknown
Omnipresent divine!
Set examples
As water in sea
As air in sky
As our identity as soul
Infinite and whole
Proves us blind followers
Fighting over caste, religion or nations
Acceptance of human as human
Is only way to liberate the soul!
To lead peaceful life!

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