
Reservation# daily prompt # season 4# attempt 63

I called the department of reservation for the next life in heaven!

The divine voice replied asking how may I get help?

I asked if I could make reservation for a life partner for next life from here?

The voice replied why not sure!

I said please reserve the most understanding one for me.

The voice replied do you want to add on other qualities?

I said yea sure give me a minute please!

The voice politely told take all the time you need as another life is very far to reach!

I said no no I’m ready with my list should I start?

The voice replied sure dear why not!

I started ordering a custom made life partner for my next life to share,

Adding each quality with utmost care!

Please note he should be die hard romantic at heart,

Also witty, fun loving and smart!

His inner core must be more beautiful than outlooks,

He should be in love with me as much as I would!

He should be kind, wise and trustworthy,

He should not flirt with anyone else but me!

He should love me in thousand ways,

He should pull chairs for me and should open the gates!

He should be able to read my silence,

He should ignore it if I would lack any talent!

He should be there whenever I need,

He too should know art of cooking!

He should pamper me like a small kid,

He should never scold me even a little bit!

He should respect my feelings and emotions,

He should be willing to cross for me seven oceans!

He should never hurt me ever in life,

He should be proud that I’m his wife!

And he should…

The voice interrupted me then and there

Telling me please hold on madam

We need to ask one thing to confirm

Are you giving order for God or human?

If you want all these qualities in one man then please make sure you too have all of them!

I was taken aback with these words and told the voice okay then try to fit as many as you can!

Voice laughed and replied this service is temporarily out of service,

As all the men from this world want to be born again as a girl and not a guy!

They know it is not easy to make happy a woman,

So they have decided to be a one and have all the fun!

With this reply I was astonished as all my life I thought it’s not easy to be girl,

But yes who knows being a man could be as difficult!

I thanked the voice and cut the line, lost in thought what to order next time?

I realised every time we write poems on girls,

Though men also deserve lots of appreciation for being gentlemen!

Copyright (c) 2018 Meenakshi Sethi, Wings Of Poetry 

16 thoughts on “Gentlemen

  1. Thought provoking poem indeed
    Infact while reading the specifications, I felt it would go something like this,
    that the expectations couldn’t be met,
    why don’t you try and become a woman,
    with all of these,
    and then I realised,
    I don’t need a man,
    for choosing to be happy.

    I went to eat out,
    Dressed up as if it were a date,
    I smiled as I opened the gate,
    I pulled the chair out for myself,
    And trust me,
    It wasn’t heavy.

    I little girl passed by,
    And told me,
    That I looked pretty.
    I smiled and said,
    So are you honey.

    A woman sitting silently,
    With his man,
    Sipping coffee,
    Looked up as if asking,
    Can I ever be like you?
    Strong and carefree.
    I passed a smile
    As if saying
    You can be anything
    That you want to be
    And more than anything else
    You should
    Choose to be happy.

    Let men write for themselves, let’s be greedy and just write about ourselves without feeling guilty.

    Your poem moved me to write once again. I hope, I haven’t spoiled it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Cherry!

      A very Happy New Year bright and beautiful just as you are!

      You didn’t spoiled it at all. Yes the pressure to keep a woman happy shouldn’t be put on shoulders of men. So it’s a beautiful thought to just be happy without any cause. Just be us and have fun!
      At the same time the men who are real gentlemen need to be as appreciated as we girls do!

      Your poem inspired me to go out to have a date with myself πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ˜—πŸ’


      1. Thanks Meenakshi πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ˜˜
        Your love makes me feel light and bright ☺
        Agree people should be appreciated for the goodness in them without differentiating on the basis of gender, race, caste, nationality or financial status.
        Moreover, it may inspire men to be grateful and appreciate us too !!
        Glad that it made you think of getting out to have fun ☺
        Lots of love and a big hug 😘

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha so cute, Meenakshi. I laughed at these words cause why must we women only ask for all the great qualities in a man, even they can ask God for all the same qualities in a woman. At the end of the day nothing matters it is how we make relationships work that is the way to love and happiness. Great poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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