
Neighbors# daily prompt # season 4# attempt 3

Neighbors; yes that was what we were
What is our current status?
When we are countries apart
But you still share my heart!
Not next door
But you are very close
In every prayer and thought
It feels you are my soul’s
Precious essential part!

Copyright (c) 2017 Meenakshi Sethi ,Wings Of Poetry 

10 thoughts on “Neighbors

  1. Aren’t we all essential parts of each other? Sharing the same essence? Yes we are. Our souls are cells in the body of God. Our seemingly separate hearts, are cells of the One Heart beating for All.

    We all come to this realization sooner or later, to this remembering of Truth. It is especially our deepest crises which help us surrender our egos, so we can start (openly or silently) honouring everyone and everything in our lives, in the sacredness of each moment, regardless of external circumstances, thanks to our awareness of our unbreakable connection to the Source.

    We do not matter all that much as persons, we do not achieve anything by ourselves. Do not admire me or any individual too much, dearest Meenakshi. Do not venerate these or any words too much. There is no need to worry about relationship status or roles, names, stories or any labels or persons. What matters and heals is only God’s love flowing through us. Thank you for allowing it, my divine friend. You help me breathe and celebrate life and everyone around me. Thank you. Shine on in everything you do, knowing you are loved, even by those who feel too lost to express it to you. You matter to them and to us all! Hugs and blessings, Leon

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Leon
      I’m lost in beauty of these words written here…our souls are cells in the body of God!
      I read it in ‘conversation with God’ How beautiful it feels that we are all connected to each other. Yes we do have to reach this ultimate truth… The truth of this life !
      I accept all love that He is showering on me through my divine friends!
      Thank You for all this
      From depth of my heart!

      Liked by 2 people

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