Inner Cinderella 

Inner Cinderella 

There is a Cinderella in every soul
Seaking freedom is her goal
From cruel, unfair ways of life
Torturing and making her cry
Just like Cinderella our lost soul
Is in search of peace and light
All she needs is a vision to see
Right opportunity gifted by divine
Sitting on wagon of meditation
Pulled by peace and calm vision
When she starts her journey inwards
She reaches a divine ball room
To dance on tune of new insight
Here she meets her Prince charming
The pure source of calm light
Who was waiting to meet from ages
His lost part to end her night
While dancing on these fine tunes
Our Cinderella may lose sometimes
Shoes of patience and hope
And run back barefoot in a hurry
Towards this illusionary life
The Prince will surely find her back
If she will stay pure and white
Life is nothing but search of self
Keeping faith and moving inwards
Towards source of that divine light
Which can help this inner Cinderella
To end her fight making her light
Providing freedom
From clutches of cruel step mother
Which is illusion and dark night
Finally merging in him
Getting married with faith and wisdom
Reaching the magnificent palace
The home of divine!!

In response to invitation to write on Cinderella theme from Theresa

60 thoughts on “Inner Cinderella 

  1. Meenakshi, I so love the spirit of this poem! I’m especially drawn to “Life is nothing but search of self/Keeping faith and moving inwards/Towards source of that divine light” – so beautiful and so moving. Thank you!

    We’re still inviting writers/bloggers to write your own “Cinderella-themed” post as part of our collaboration project. Anyone who’s interested, feel free to click on one of the pingback links in Meenakshi’s wonderful post. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for joining in the excitement. Theresa and I am getting even more excited each week. This makes an awesome reblog for me. I really love this poem and it’s spirit. Thank you for sharing. Much love and hugs 💖🤗

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank You so much Anne! I got the response from!Theresa and was wondering what you are thinking about this….
          Now I’m smiling reading your comment. Thank you so much to both of you. I will keep checking other response to this theme too! This is very innovative thought indeed! 💖

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’m really loving it, as I love your poem. I am convinced having writers and authors collaborate on a project is the best! Writing is a rather lonely vocation but collaborating makes a difference and publishing an Anthology will give many of us the appreciation we often miss although there because we doubt ourselves. I’m looking forward to many more contributions. 😊

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Ma’am, have to read the closing lines of yours poems more than twice…and the realization after that gives insight into the life, its chores and moments specifically…and this is why your poems are inspiring as well as enchanting one…Life is nothing but search of self/Keeping faith and moving inwards/Towards source of that divine light–like these lines mostly…

    Liked by 3 people

        1. Hi. We have tentatively set the deadline for 28 February so there’s a lot of time. Once we have the compilation, we will also have time to edit and polish for the publication. I’ll be checking out your blog. Theresa (comment below) has a suggestion and I’m curious how it will come out. All the best. Looking forward to reading your work.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. This version of Cinderella is so enchanting
    I loved it Meenakshi
    On a lighter note
    Mother in laws are like step mom and rather than loosing our shoes, we search for our shoes to run away from home to catch a breath of peace and silence
    That could be another version of Cinderella though
    But yours one is beautiful

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha…here I agree with you not only mom in laws but circumstances and responsibilities after marriage sometimes crush us.
      Hey your idea of writing a funny Cinderella is also good. Why don’t you try and participate. I would love to read it. Click on the link and submit your article or poem.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. Unbelievable yaar. You totally nailed it.
    Explaining a person’s soul searching (just like in the scriptures) linked with a childhood fantasy story. Really beautiful indeed. What a talent, Meenakshi. Cheers.. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Meenakshi! We are asking the submitters for our Cinderella challenge to provide an email address for exchanging files, etc., in preparation for the next step of the project. At your convenience, would you send your preferred email address to “theresa.barker at”? We will be in touch in a few days with more information on the project. Thanks! – Theresa and Anne J.

    Liked by 1 person

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