
Interior#Daily Prompt#Attempt 43

Interior of my heart
Have many chambers
But no walls
Still it is not fragile 
But very strong
Subdivided into many cubicles
These chambers have special features
They provide warmth of love
To all those who resides here
Decorated with so many
Vibrant emotions
They are cool like spring
And fresh like flowers
With their softness
They give comfort
To its inhabitants
The chambers of my heart
Have so many special guests
Family, friends, my students
And someone very special
Although the most beautiful room
Is booked for my daughter
All reside here
And always will
Till this heart is alive
It will keep its interior
Reserve and safe
For all my loved ones
With a designer sign board
On its door
Where in pearls it is engraved
In capital letters

41 thoughts on “Interior

      1. You’re welcome. πŸ™‚

        Thanks for the motivation. Hopefully, I will. But I guess today there will be another word. That’s what happens with me, I contemplate on what to write and the day changes and there a new word and I start all over again. -_-

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          1. Yeah, waiting for that only to kick in.
            It has been years I wrote something good, or even write.
            But thanks, hopefully soon. πŸ™‚

            Oh, btw, Happy New Year. πŸ™‚
            Have a great year ahead..
            wait, scratch that, let’s make the year great. πŸ™‚

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  1. Hi Meenakshi! The rhythm of your voice always comes through so well in your writing. I feel like you’re saying it out loud and I’m listening! By the way, have you ever considered trying your hand at a sonnet, or more especially, a Pantoum? I learned recently sonnets don’t have to rhyme or even have a particular meter, so you can free-verse them. And the Pantoum uses a built-in repetitive pattern that I would really love to see what you can do with it – here is a description: πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You so much Theresa!! I would certainly love to try this. I have never heard about it before but love to learn and try something new in this new year. Thank you so much for sharing the link! Much love to you! ❀

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          1. Oh, sorry, and one more poem type popped into my head. Are you familiar with “The Waking” by Theodore Roethke? Your work reminds me of it. Here is a link to the poem (I love this poem): You can see some lines are repeated, and this is actually an example of a Villanelle, which does use rhyme, but if you’re daunted by having to rhyme, it’s okay to drop the rhyme part and just use the repeating part. Info on Villanelle: If you like, let’s make a pact to write one (each of us) and, we could post each of ours in comments for the other, or re-blog the other’s post, or do a pingback, whichever you prefer!

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              1. Of course! I’ll experiment with something in the next several days and see what I come up with. I’m not a poet so much as a fiction writer, but I study poetry to be able to make my fiction more lyrical! πŸ™‚

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  2. Hey Meena I hope you doing good. Thank you for the support you’ve given for my previous blog: Playing with words and I’m coming up with it’s site now expecting the same support. I am working on my new website and coming up readily with it this month. I would be glad if you be my guest writer. You will be given full credits of your work and I’ll send you link showing up your post under your name on my website once I finish setting up my site. My categories are: Short story, poetry, any real life incident or story, technology or lifestyle article. You can mail me at if interested. Expecting an early response. Happy new year. Stay blessed. Keep writing. Have a nice day πŸ™‚

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