Blogger Recognition Award

Hello everyone!I want to thank each and everyone of you for showering your love on me and reading all my post making them better by your precious comments.

I am so happy to receive this award from one of my very good friend and fellow blogger THE SHOWER OF BLESSINGS! She has become a true inspiration for me.I have learnt a new way of living life from her.Thank you so much Meriam not only for nominating but all your love that you shower on me!

The Rules:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Give a brief history on how your blog started.

3.Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

  1. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

5.Select other blogs you want to give the award to them.


I used to write poems and other things which I used to share with a very special friend of mine. So it was my friend who insisted me to start a blog almost four years back but I never took him seriously. As for me my poems were just a time pass and some scribbles and a little bit private too. But then suddenly I lost connection with this friend and then one day when I was missing my friend a lot, I thought of starting this blog. I started it on 25th July 2016. And here I am enjoying every moment spend here.

So I never forget to mention my special friend and guide who with his advice gifted me such a beautiful platform to share my write ups.A big thanks to you my dear friend!


  1. First thing to follow for new bloggers is reaching out to as many blogs as you can.Read their post and comment honestly.This way you can bring new followers to your own blog.
  2. Second advice is try to keep your posts short and to the point making them attractive with images, quotes and simplicity.

I would like to nominate some of new bloggers here so that they could get recognition in this beautiful world of wordpress and get inspired.

Here are my Nominations-

Fatmath Shifa from

A from arrowwrites

Tanya from

Link to The Shower Of Blessings-

Source: Blogger Recognition Award

82 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Hello Meenakshi šŸ™‚ Hope you doing good. I have participated in a writing competition. Check out this link and support me by sharing and reviewing :

    I refer you to participate by sending your article/story/poem(minimum 700 words and you can also combine two or more write-ups like I did) to or mentioning that I(Kavita chavda) have referred you to this competition.

    Check out the submission guidelines here:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank You! I’m very lazy in sharing these awards and even more lazy to inform my nominees so I skipped many from sharing here due to very same reason and so my fellow bloggers have stopped giving awards to me now…haha!
      I even nominated you and didn’t inform…that’s the lazy in me šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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