At 2 AM!

​At 2 am every night

Life slows down

Inside my mind

Between floods of thoughts

I daily try

To learn the art of

Silencing the mind

But like a naughty child

It refuse to listen…

As if hungry rats

Are out on mission

It makes me more and more miserable

By jumbling all thoughts

One after another

So at 2 am every night

I shut down the world

Out of my mind

After calming down

All the noise of outside

I enjoy this precious and

My favourite- Me time!

27 thoughts on “At 2 AM!

    1. Thanks Shaggy! We all work all day for others, live according to their expectations from us and in all this we hardly get time for ourselves. So I find this night time very peaceful and easy to connect to myself. That’s what these lines are all about… ☺

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wooow the meaning is as beautiful as the poem…..
        And it’s soo true….
        We all need to find such time…
        Thank you soo much for explaining it to me… You made it very simple….
        Are you a teacher??
        Lots of peace and happiness to you…

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey this is so much me, people think i m nocturnal or have some inspmnia or something.. But actually I too enjoy this time when its only me with my thoughts and 2 pm munching hunger .. How much I enjoyed reading this post .. Lovely 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Me time is so very important. Mine isn’t at 2am, however, as I can never fully function at such a late/early hour. But, you must get it when you can, whether it’s at 2am or 7am. Glad you’ve found a time that works for you.


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