

Aromatic # Daily Prompt#Attempt 3

Hey life! Do you know?

What does I miss in you!

I miss those Aromatic days

After I left protected warm shelter

Of my childhood home!


Those skillful hands

Of my Mom!

Blending , mixing spices in kitchen

And I still wonder! 

What secretive ingredient she used

To enrich the flavour 

Of the food

Which we used to savour!

Along with its enlightening effect

On our heart and on our souls!

That was no ordinary kitchen of my home!

Secretly my Mom is a magician 

But no one knows! Shhhhhhh!!!!

And everyone used to flow towards

The Aromatic dishes cooked 

In my mom’s kitchen!

With right blend of spices

Used not only for food but

In our daily life too…

Making life joyous, exciting, spicy,  

Worth to remember and to miss

Still years after 

Those Aromatic days…

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